Green Power at Roadhouse
Thursday, October 25, 2018 by Molly Lamotte
As articulated by our Co-Founder, Colby Cox, Roadhouse takes sustainability actions not because of what it does for us, but because it is who we are.
“At Roadhouse Brewing Co. we’re committed to being stewards of our environment, our community, and our people. We designed our 10,000 sq ft production brewery from the ground up with sustainability in mind. We share kegs and recapture and recycle the heat we use. We installed solar panels on the roof to offset our energy use and we incentivize our employees to carpool and ride bikes to work. We made the switch to Green Power because it aligns perfectly with our values. Our motto is “Live Deep” and to us that means we practice what we preach. We are passionate about beer, about making a difference, and about leading others to do the same. Our entire team works hard to champion these values day in and day out.”
This week, we would like to highlight our use of Lower Valley Energy and Energy Conservation Works’(ECW) Green Power Program. We produce a portion of our electricity needs at our brewery thanks to our 77 panel solar panel array, however, that is not enough to make our brewing operation 100% renewable. That’s where LVE and ECW come in. Thanks to their Green Power program, we are able to purchase the rest of our energy needs from the Horse Butte Wind Farm outside of Idaho Falls where we know our energy is carbon neutral and regionally produced. Better yet, the cost of that electricity is still around half of the national average.
We choose Green Power because by doing so we support the development of renewable energy sources, which can reduce the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. In our region, greater reliance on renewable sources also provide economic benefits and can improve our national energy security. We know our business is beer, but with the Green Power Program, we can use our business to improve our energy sourcing in our region. That is pretty cool, and that is allowing our business to embody our values.
To become part of the renewable energy initiative and learn how you can sign up for green power, visit